Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Is it to late?

Every wonder what the Romans and Egyptians were thinking about as their
time as the most powerful civilization drew to an end? Did it slowly creep on them so that one day it was to late? Did they even realize they were losing their place as the culture to be looked up at and emulated? Or did they quietly fade in to history with no clue?
We are at, or some say past, that tipping point! We must stand up and fight against the downward slide that faces our great nation! If we do nothing just the gravity of events will pull us down and keep us down, we must stop this ever increasing slide into a second class power!
Don’t believe me? Open your eyes and just look around at current events. Attorney General about to be cited with contempt, Obama  using executive privilege to protect him, illegal immigrants being given free passes, the economy the worst in decades, and the Presidents plays golf.  The secret service is partying with hookers, drones spying on U.S. citizens, and the world LOOKING TO CHINA for guidance not us.
We have given up our place as the top economy in the world and surrendered any rights for respect in the world. How many people do you know that can honestly say they are proud of our elected officials? Yet how many actually do anything but complain? Do they even change who they vote for or just pull party levers, because it is all the same? We need to stop worrying about what is in it for us and worry more about what is in it for U.S.!
We need to start holding our official to the standards of the office we elect them to, no more “oh well what did we expect”. If they are doing something we don’t approve vote them out!  Don’t wait for them to be convicted if they are headed in the wrong direction turn them around.
They media only reports what makes them money and promotes their party line. It used to be the news was impartial and less biased. Now we are only presented with what “they” think we should be told.  Wake up and smell the decay!
I wish I had easy answers and magic path back. No one person can pull us back by themselves. We all need to get involved in our own well being, not waiting for the government to take care of us, feed us, medicate us, and give us money. You want something? Work for it! It is time to end government hand outs! Yes there are truly some that need help, but help, not hand outs.
Ross Perot was right, “Hear that sucking sound?” Remember when he said all our jobs and manufacturing was leaving? Well, believe him now? Can we get them back? Not without a fight and government will to stand up to other counties. We need to stop sending money to countries that don’t like us and don’t want our help. You cannot buy their friendship. How many offered to help us after hurricane Katrina? Stop sending aid to all these other places and spend our money on U.S.! Can you imagine what we could do for poverty in our own country with all the aid we send overseas? If we spent all the money we send overseas on infrastructure here, we would stimulate the economy and put Americans back to work.
Though out our history we have help out all over the world because we were the superpower and felt obligated to help. Well we are no longer the superstar, we need to look inward and repair our own house before it collapses.
We cannot wait any longer waiting for thing to get better by themselves! Every day we read about more of our elected official under investigation. We need to elect people who are qualified for the job not because we “need a change” or they present well. NO! Look at their past performances and actually think about what they can do. Stop being so damn politically correct and say what you really think. Be that individual and not a sheep. This country was not made great by “don’t rock the boat” individuals. This great nation was founded and made great by people who knew how to say what they thought and not back down. We have become  a nation afraid to offend someone or hurt their feelings. Where would we be if our founding fathers were politic correct and did not want to offend the King on England.
Sorry, I have rambled enough for now.
One last thing……..
Jump up and down!!!! Rock the boat!!!! Make you voice heard!!! Help get this nation back to being the great nation it was and can be again!!! Vote for only we can save this nation!!!
just another day in paradise

Monday, March 19, 2012

President out of touch with America!

Check out this link... Notice it not a U.S. paper! The American press is so pro Obama that they never print any thing that might cause you to say " wait a minute! I haven't had a real vacation in years and they have had 16(?) in 3 years and now they sent their 13 year old on spring break to Mexico! Don't they care how hard we are struggling to just make ends meet?".

I don't know about any of you but as a thirteen year old my spring break was playing baseball at the local field with anyone who was interested. Americans are struggling with rising gas prices, taxes, and food bills. We should not have a leader that flaunts his excess in our face and the fact that WE ARE PAYING for all of his wants! I wonder how many vacations they went on before the elections? Never mind all the weekends playing golf and the "date" nights with trips to N.Y.C. that, again, we pay for.

It truly amazes me that our news people, with a few exceptions, don't point out how much the Obamas have cost us with all their personal perks, not to mention what his policies have cost us in freedoms, money and respect! If any other President  attempted these outrageous abuses of office, the media, as a whole would have them accounting for every nickel spent! Makes you wonder what kind of spell (hold) he has over them.
November can not get here soon enough! Not that we have great alternatives, but four more years of this and as a country we may not even be a shadow of what we once were!
What we need is a LEADER, not some one who bows to others countries and apologises for the U.S.A being a strong  world force! We need some who can draw a line in the sand and stand in front of it, not some who keeps erasing it and says "sorry did not really mean it, where would you like to have me stand?" We need some one who tell the U.N. where we stand, not some one who bends us over for the U.N..

Just an other day in paradise!


Friday, February 10, 2012

Dangerous Dan

Governor Dan Malloy in his speech about teachers said "To keep your job "you should have to continue to prove your effectiveness in the classroom as your career progresses,'' Malloy sternly concluded."

This from the man that gave unions a 5 year contract with no layoffs!
 This is typical of his of style. Never mind what I did for them I going after you, don't apply logic!

Should we apply this to him? how about a mid term re vote? lets see if the majority of the people keep him! No, I don't mean take a poll, we all know they can be slanted by the way or what questions are asked.

I think he just like to make these type of statements to get people riled up and not thinking about how bad our economy in Connecticut really is, lost of jobs and manufacturing that we will never get back, tax increases and spend millions of dollars on projects that create few jobs( divide the cost of the proposed addition to the hospital by the number of jobs to be created.)
Or the New Britain bus way, come on now, really?
He is headed for one term lets make sure that's what he gets!

just another day in paradise!


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Malloy's dictatorship

Governor Dan Malloy wants things his way or no way, and does not want any real discussion on his agenda! There are many example of this through out his first year in office.  His my way or no way attitude is driving this great state further down. Of course I have my own interest to look after and will only point out some of the things that bother me the most( we all start with our pet peeves). Some of this was related to me by other people.
The wholesale wine and liquor distributors tried to have a meeting Dan about all the changes to Connecticut  liquor laws, and were told that if they did not agree with Dans views there would be no meeting, he did not want to hear anything that might not match what he wants.
 Another meeting with some package store owners and a state rep, the owners were told that unless their store does a million dollars a year, that they will not survive and that the state expected 50% of  stores to close!
How does this attitude create jobs and build our economy?
And where is MADD?  Longer bar  hours.... longer store hours..Sunday? more drunk drivers? where is their outrage? Have they traded silence For some promise in the future?
Why the rush to push this through?
What else has Dan done for us? Union contracts with no layoffs for five years? don"t you wish you knew your job was safe for five years no matter ? When he make these changes will he guarantee  package store owners a job for five years? If he thinks these changes will be such a boost for the state maybe the state should buy out all the package stores and run them, then they can have five year contract and not worry about their families!
Traveling all over the world on our dime? what does his traveling to these places have to do with helping us here in Connecticut?
Lets make sure Dan is a one term Governor! not that he cares, he has probably made lots of friend in rich places!

just another day in paradise!


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Lies and other campaign b/s

Election time draws nearer and the speeches-finger pointing-and out right lies get bigger! I am not going to tell you who to vote for but PLEASE do some research before you step into the voting booth! Elected positions were never meant to be careers, there should be term limits on all  elected posts.If you don't like the way things are being done, don't just re-elect  the same person, because they will not change.
The people we elect need to be held to what they say they can do, if not, they don't get another term! No excuses! At re-election time all their campaign promises that they made to get elected should be checked.. did they complete the task we elected them to do in the time they were supposed to? no?
then fire them and hire a new employee, because that's  what they are.. our employee! No business can succeed if their employees are not held accountable!
Connecticut's governor Dan Malloy is now proposing to make changes to the liquor laws to raise more money for the state. He has stated that these changes will generate millions in extra revenue. The reasoning is that the surrounding states allow Sunday sales so we should,   the surrounding states use   different wholesale model, so we should,  other states have no sales tax on alcohol so we should..... oh wait Dan is not mentioning that we will still have sales tax!(not having to pay sales taxes is a big draw to cross the border!)
A lot of small liquor stores will not open Sunday even if this becomes law because they will not see any more business than they do in six days. So where am i going with this? If Governor Malloy wants to push this through it should be with a sunset provision that if his numbers are not met in one year(the millions in new revenue) the law should expire and we should fire this employee for not meeting his stated job goal.
This is how all  employees  in real jobs are held accountable.  Accountability needs to start some where why not here and now!

Just another day in Paradise!