Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Lies and other campaign b/s

Election time draws nearer and the speeches-finger pointing-and out right lies get bigger! I am not going to tell you who to vote for but PLEASE do some research before you step into the voting booth! Elected positions were never meant to be careers, there should be term limits on all  elected posts.If you don't like the way things are being done, don't just re-elect  the same person, because they will not change.
The people we elect need to be held to what they say they can do, if not, they don't get another term! No excuses! At re-election time all their campaign promises that they made to get elected should be checked.. did they complete the task we elected them to do in the time they were supposed to? no?
then fire them and hire a new employee, because that's  what they are.. our employee! No business can succeed if their employees are not held accountable!
Connecticut's governor Dan Malloy is now proposing to make changes to the liquor laws to raise more money for the state. He has stated that these changes will generate millions in extra revenue. The reasoning is that the surrounding states allow Sunday sales so we should,   the surrounding states use   different wholesale model, so we should,  other states have no sales tax on alcohol so we should..... oh wait Dan is not mentioning that we will still have sales tax!(not having to pay sales taxes is a big draw to cross the border!)
A lot of small liquor stores will not open Sunday even if this becomes law because they will not see any more business than they do in six days. So where am i going with this? If Governor Malloy wants to push this through it should be with a sunset provision that if his numbers are not met in one year(the millions in new revenue) the law should expire and we should fire this employee for not meeting his stated job goal.
This is how all  employees  in real jobs are held accountable.  Accountability needs to start some where why not here and now!

Just another day in Paradise!