Tuesday, March 31, 2020


We are told that the best way to slow/stop the spread of this covid-19 is to stay at home. People are being paid to stay home, unemployment has been relaxed to cover people laid off, and yet, you see these stupid people out and about! Essential business are open for important items, food m medicine ect. not a day trip to Lowe's or Home Depot to wander around! I work at one of the big box store (essential employee?) and it amazes me how many people are in looking around and bringing their children with them. These people are out of work for a reason, to help stop the spread of this virus, not so they can expose their children and us workers to more germs!
 Mulch, fertilizer, and grass seed are not essential items, if your refrigerator died or your water heater that's what we are here for, not "Gee I think we should make a family road trip to Lowe's for some thing to do" Sure you are bored and would  like to get things done on your" paid vacation" but what about us workers who have to be here? When will we get a paid 2 week vacation that we did not have to earn? When we are home sick because you were bored?
All you selfish inconsiderate people should follow the guide line for stopping the spread of this "flu" and be thankful to spend this time home with your loved ones.

Just another day in paradise.

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