Friday, January 18, 2013

Gun control? How about personal responsibility!

Ok, I have waited over a month to see how the knee-jerk reactions would pan out. As I thought, all the blame was on the inanimate guns, not the person who pulled the trigger. This person was apparently an intelligent individual and well versed in computers and the Internet, as  seen by his foresight to  effectively destroy his computer so that the even the government cannot trace his on line activity.
 Gun control programs worked as needed, proved by the fact that he was denied when he tried to purchase guns before the attack. Now, here we have an intelligent, Internet savvy person intent on causing harm, he has been stopped from legally obtaining firearms, what does he do next? If he had not been able to steal his mother’s guns would this have ended his plans? He was determined individual who planned things in advance and would have found some other way, the fact that he covered his online tracks we will never know if there was a backup plan that could have been worse.

 Oklahoma City was the worse attack in America (until 9-11) and no guns were involved, yet we can still buy fertilizer!

 Instead of punishing legal gun owners lets restrict the mentally impaired people who miss use them! Let’s test all school students for potential problems and all those that need some help or drugs, and then publish their names and addresses so that we all know where the potential problems live.

 Yes, I know, gun owners have a responsibility to properly store and control access to our guns, and by the same standard parents have a responsibility to protect us from their unstable children. Oh, wait my child is not that person; he/she is just going through a phase, no what? I will move him/her to a different school just do not label him/her!  There are too many parents who do not get the help their child needs because they are afraid of what people will think of them as parents.
Instead of having doctors ask us about our legal firearms let’s ask teachers about the kids in their classrooms. Teachers spend more "up close" time children and see their interactions with others than most parents; therefore teachers should be the first ones to point out needs. These needs should noted and referred to professional help, parents should have to follow up on these and provide proof that doctor/professional has seen the child.

 A lot of people say the second amendment is out dated and referred to weapons at that time and has no bearing on today’s firearms, well the first amendment was written in a time of a few newspapers, does that mean it does not apply to television and the internet? Because without the second it could happen!

Just another day in paradise!