Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How to pass government bills/laws

When something is good/right you generally know it right away, If you have to be harassed, bullied or bribed to believe in it, and you give in, what does that say about you and the item? Little kids learn at an early age that if the cry or whine long/loud enough some parents give in and set a president that they will regret later, and the kids learn that this approach works. This attitude that crying and whine will get you what you want carries over into adulthood, and look where we are now! Most of these people have ended up in government.
  When a bill or any proposition comes to a vote and does not pass it is slightly massaged and put back up continuously until it passes. No MEANS No! If it can't pass because it makes no sense why are they allowed to keep bringing it back and bulling/bribing  people to support it? Items that don,t make it on their own the first time we should have some recourse if it keeps coming back until it passes.
   What if, when one of these  reoccurring bills pass it is with the condition that if it does not meet all it goals as stated in a year it is automatically repealed?  How much money is spent passing things that don't work? If you bought  an item that did not work as advertised you would return it and expect a refund! You would not let a lot of double talk and " just give it time" stop you.
    It is time to hold our represenitives responsable, they are suppose to do what we want and what is best for us, not what is best for thier "pet" project or "what they think we need". Things the effect us should be pu out for a general vote because some of our representives have made a career out this and feel entitled to do as they see fit.
  They only way to change this is vote! Spend some time and take a real look at canidates and do not vote for some one just because thier name sounds familiar or  your friend likes them, remeber this person has infulence on your future. Tell your represenative to stand thier ground and pass things that stand on thier own merit and not be bullied or bought!

just another day in paradise

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