Sunday, January 16, 2011

CT liquor sales on sunday

CT state just does not get it. Having package store open on Sunday will not generate lots of new revenue for the state. Stores will just do the same weekly total sales, they will just have to be open an other day at more cost to the store owners.The theory that it will keep lots of people from traveling to Mass. to buy their liquor is not true. People go to Mass because it is cheaper to buy there than in Ct. Now the Mass has dropped  their sales tax on liquor it will just encourage more people to make the trip across the border,Sunday or any other day! When this happens CT will look at the increased revenue that mass is generating and say "Maybe we should drop the sale tax to get people back" then what happen to the argument about increased revenue?. If This happens will they reverse the Sunday ruling and take the burden off the store owners?

While we are on the one hand the state is worried about drunk driving and alcohol related problems but they want us to have an extra day to buy and they not only except people to buy but to buy enough to bail us out of their excessive spending.
The other prime example is lotto they say play responsibly but the keep coming out with new games to take us to the cleaners.
Just an other day in paradise!

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