Wednesday, January 26, 2011

state of us

as the old song goes " i just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in". we all  have heard/read/been told what was said at the state of the union speech, but  do you really believe any major changes are on the way? i am not going to analyze the speech I'll leave that to more qualified people, i just want to think out loud about a few things.
do you see us spending our way out of debit? have you tried it? how's that working out for you?
we all know what needs to be done, if you can't afford some thing don't buy it..deferring payment still means you have to pay for it some time. a very smart person said " a penny saved is a penny earned" (remember who?) . towns,states and the federal government have got to stop looking for more ways to spend our money( yes it is ours,wouldn't you rather have it to spend). it needs to start with the small things and keep going, does the first lady need 15-20 people on her personal staff? most in the past have had 1-2. did she employ that many people/friends before she got the new address? did they take that many vacations? or are they just spending our money because they can?....ok ok  moving on....
deep breath.... ok closer to home....remember before we had casino in the state?..we had a balanced we get millions from them and where are we? 3billion(?) short. .....say what?
the state saw all this money coming in and could not stand to see it saved and earn interest ... yes there was such a thing as earning interest...they just found more and more ways to spend on thing that  we really did not need but our legislature caved to special interest groups for feel good things (what exactly? your on the Internet look it up yourself  ..get involved) instead of necessary things and programs, or just saved it. it would be like like you winning the lottery and using all the money on frivolous items and then saying gee i did not save anything for the future so everybody needs to support me now.
state of us? we need to stop sipping the kool aid and believing everything  we are told. start doing your own research and make your opinion known. they work for us. being a senator or a representative was never meant to be a life long career.. we need term limits

state of us.... i am not sure about you.. but for me..

just another day in paradise

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