Thursday, January 20, 2011

what ever happened to...

what ever happened to...... or..... i remember when..... or back in the day...... How often do we here a conversation start with these words?  Most people look back fondly and focus on the good things from the past, but we can't turn back time. Progress happens, and technical advances occur, this is just the way things are , we do need to keep advancing. The key is not to let these advances rule our lives. Cell phones/computers have made lots of things better or most people  access to help info almost anywhere at any time, but do we need one glue to one the whole day? Do you need to be connected 24/7? really? Just because you have a cell phone/blackberry/whatever keeps you connected ,does not mean you have to use it constantly. You have things like a stove, do you use that just because it is there, or is it used only when needed? How about that pen you carry, do you walk around writing on everything? How many people complain that they are constantly bothered by having to answer their electronic leash? It is a tool that should be used only when needed(maybe you should carry that shovel around from the shed, it's feeling lonely)
i remember when...... if some one wanted to talk to you they had to call you at home or work to you in person!
in person..... the personal touch......phases we don't use all that much anymore, soon to be lost to that black hole of "what ever happen to...." . kids now a days have lost the ability to interact  with people, when was the last time you went thru a neighborhood and saw a group of kids playing outside?  i remember when......
playing  baseball, tag,or just running around having fun.
just some venting....back in the day..... i would be sitting around with a group of people having this conversation........

just another day in paradise

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